Ash Memorials
Memorials Made from Your Loved Ones AshesWhen looking for a memorial tribute, it is not uncommon for one to feel overwhelmed with the vast amount of options, especially in today's market. On the other hand, despite the great amount of options to memorialize a loved one, many feel they haven't found one that is just the right fit. Whether they are looking to memorialize a loved one that is truly extraordinary, or are looking for an option that captures a special 'something', the search for a tribute that really stands out from the crowd is certainly understandable. The need for that highly personalized and remarkable memorial is exactly why we have searched the world over to bring forth this special selection. Our Ash Memorials offer the perfect blend of art and an especially significant touch - a small portion of cremation ashes - to create an everlasting and practical way to remember a lost loved one. Whether it is a cremation sundial made with ashes that will forever mark the passage of time - or a specially made candle holder from cremation remains that will hold an eternal flame - the mere fact that the memorial will always serve a purpose in our lives can be truly comforting. Just like the individual was always there to lend a helping hand, or perhaps listen patiently to our moments of joy and strife, the functional nature of these remembrances will remind us of their endless compassion and enduring love. Take comfort in knowing that these tributes are individually, and carefully crafted by master artisans one at a time. Each memorial is molded to perfection, with painstakingly careful attention to detail, to offer an unmatchable and distinct visual remembrance to a lifetimes worth of memories. The need to honor the life of a lost individual, and preserve the legacy they created, is one of our most basic of human needs. We have always wanted to ensure that our memory is marked in history, and that our descendants can look back to capture a glimpse of their own past. These truly impressive and artful tributes will offer an unforgettable heirloom that will be gladly handed down from generation to generation. |