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Bronze Grave Markers

- We do a Cemetery Verification & Size check before we make the Grave Marker!
- You will see a Layout & Approve it, before we make the Grave Marker!
- Trusted & Rewarded doing Business for over 20 Years!

Choosing a bronze grave marker involves considering factors like design, material quality, customization options, and durability. It's essential to select a reputable supplier and ensure the headstone reflects the personality and life of the departed.

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Bronze on Granite Flat Cemetery Grave Markers

There is no doubt that there is a large variety of ways to memorialize a lost loved one, and this is, perhaps, what makes more than a few families feel intimidated when it comes to the final selection. It is very important to discuss the arrangements with the entire immediate family, and keep in consideration the wishes of the dearly departed. Needless to say, emotions can run high during this, understandably, difficult time, which can make the task all the more daunting. Actually, while many of the basic funeral arrangements must be arranged shortly after the passing, the selection of the final grave marker is usually one of the last to be worked through, and it is not uncommon for families to wait weeks, even months before actually purchasing the marker. It is good to know what options are available for the flat grave marker to be set in the cemetery, and many are not aware that purchasing a flat grave marker online is even possible, let alone very beneficial.

Helpful Steps to Purchasing and Designing Your Grave Marker

Here are some steps to take when thinking about purchasing a Memorial Bronze on Granite Grave Marker for your loved one:

  • First Step:

    • Information about your plot: It is important before purchasing your grave marker you contact the cemetery and make sure you know what size of the bronze; size of the granite is allowed on your specific plot. Most cemeteries allow you have a variety of bronze and granite color combinations, but make sure you are aware if the cemetery is specific about the color of granite or bronze that is allowed. It is also important to know that we do not do any of the installation, usually the cemetery will charge you an installation fee to set and install the marker on the plot, be aware the fee is paid to the cemetery and ask them how much the fee is going to cost. If you need any help contacting the cemetery and getting this information you can call our Customer Service office and one of our marker specialists will be happy to assist you in obtaining that information.
  • Second Step:

    • Picking your Grave Marker Design: Once you know the size you will be needing, you can now choose from over 65 bronze designs. We have designs for everyone from simple modest designs to temples and churches we also offer a variety of floral designs as well. Each marker will be customized with the personalizations that best represents your loved one. With optional ceramic photos and over 10,000 emblems to choose from to be added to the marker.
    • Filling out the Order form: Now that you have chosen a bronze design, and have selected the size you are needing. Follow each section starting with Grantie color, then bronze color, vase options, etc. until you reach the bottom. Once you have filled out the order for you may add it to the cart. Once the marker order if added to the cart then you can see the total price. If you need help filling out the order form or have any questions you can reach out to our Customer Service office and one of our maker specialists will be happy to assist you.
    • Paying for you marker: When you are ready to purchase your marker you can checkout online. If you checkout online it will charge you the full amount for the marker when you place your order. If you would like to make payment we do accept up to 3 payments before we put your maker into production. We also accept checks, if you need any further assistance with purchasing and payment questions please give our office a call.
  • Third Step:

    • Cemetery Approval: Once your order is placed, we will work on getting cemetery approval. This is to verify that size and colors are approved by the cemetery. It is also to let the cemetery know that we will not be doing any of the installation. Usually, the cemetery does the installation and will charge you a fee to install the marker on the plot. We cannot produce your marker until we get cemetery approval.
    • Layouts: While working on getting cemetery approval we will also be creating a layout of the marker. We will email the layout to you; you may make changes to layout however we do charge after the 2nd layout if you would to continue to make changes. Our design team does wonderful work on spacing and placement of names emblems and dates, if you would like something specific done, please note that order form. This way we can try to get it perfect with the 1st layout. We will not produce the marker until we have your approval of the layout.
  • Final Step: 

    • Shipping and Delivery: Once we have both approvals from you and cemetery we will put your marker into production. We will get an estimated ship dated, and sent that to you via email. Once your marker ships, we will send you tracking via email. It usually takes 1 - 2 weeks for shipping (this could change due to weather or other shipping delays). Once the marker arrives at the cemetery place allow them at least a week to install the memorial marker. You make keep in contact with the cemetery about delivery and installation.

What it the most popular granite color?

  • Moonlight Gray: Quarried in Rockville Minnesota, Moonlight Gray is also known as Rockville, this unique natural granite has a pristine pebble variation in dark gray, light gray and even sometimes light pink hues.
  • Sierra White: Quarried in Raymond California, Sierra White is the most common granite color for bronze and granite grave markers, its light gray color complements its surrounding and brings out the beauty the nature around grave marker.
  • Texas Pearl: Quarried in Granite Shoals Texas, Texas Pearl has a unique and exquisite color of light orange/pink beige tones mixed with light gray and dark gray contrast each other and gives it a deeper appearance in terms of unique properties. 
  • Royal Mahogany: Quarried in Milbank South Dakota, Royal Mahogany is a striking deep orange brown with variations of lighter bring streaks or spots of orange that may be vertical, horizontal or diagonal when quarried.
  • Sunset Beige: Quarried in Marble Falls Texas, Sunset Beige is a unique and classic granite choice for headstones and grave markers, the shades of beige/taupe/pink and white contrasting with black hues give it a nice variation to complement brown or black bronze colors.

See our Granite Color Options section to view all of the granite colors we offer.

What is included with the price listed?

  • Your choice between 9 Different Granite Colors.
  • Your choice between 7 different Bronze Colors.
  • Name, Date of Birth, Date of Death.
  • Additional Lettering up to 15 letters (examples: In Loving Memory, Rest in Peace, Together Again, Together Forever, I Love You, Lasting Memories).
  • 3 optional emblems with over 10,000 emblem options to choose from (example: cross, praying hands, Hummingbird, hearts, roses and more).
  • Free shipping to all 48 Continental United states (we can ship to Alaska and Hawaii, even internationally but the does cost extra, call our customer service office for a quote).

What is not Included in the price listed?

  • Premium Granite colors, prices are listed in the drop-down tab on the order form. If selected prices in the cart will reflect the total.
  • Premium Bronze colors, prices are listed in the drop-down tab on the order form. If selected prices in the cart will reflect the total.
  • Vases are not included; prices are listed in the drop-down tab on the order form. If selected prices in the cart will reflect the total.
  • If additional lettering is more than 15 letters it will charge per additional letter. If selected prices in the cart will reflect the total.
  • Additional Emblem. Please call for a quote.
  • Additional Name, Date of Birth and Date of Death. Please call for a quote.
  • Any non-English letter. Please call for a quote.
  • Installation. If the Cemetery is installing the Memorial, please make payment to the cemetery. If a monument company is installing the Memorial, please make payment to them directly. does not do any installation.

What if the Cemetery doesn't install the marker?

If the cemetery installs their own markers, they cannot deny installing an outside vender's marker. If the cemetery does not do any installation, then we would have to find a local monument company that will accept the marker and do the installation. These questions can be asked to the cemetery directly. If you need help finding a monument company or contacting the cemetery one of our marker specialists would be happy to assist you in getting those answers.

Can we add a picture to the marker?

If you are looking to really personalize your memorial marker a ceramic or bronze would be a great way to do that.

  • Ceramic Photo: You can add or purchase a ceramic photo the marker. If you are looking to purchase a marker with a photo added onto the marker, then the ceramic photo will have a customer bronze cast ring. If you have an existing marker and you looking to purchase a ceramic photo you will have to add it to marker yourself. We offer different ceramic photo sizes and shapes from oval, square, circle, rectangle and heart. When designing your marker, we can determine what size fits the best. The photos can be in black and white or color.
  • Bronze Photo: With our expression in bronze portraits, you can capture your loved one's best moments with a detailed bronze photo. The bronze picture is cast into a solid bronze. You can see those memorial pictures on many headstones and grave markers in the cemeteries. The Memorial Pictures are available in four different sizes.

See our Pictures for Headstones section for those as well.

Our selection of specialty flush flat grave markers offers a number of beautiful individual and companion designs that feature, as the name implies, special themes. This selection of memorials is perfect for those looking to capture a certain interest, personality, or appearance. They combine bronze and granite to feature particular scenes, such a fisherman reeling in a big one, or a rider on horseback overlooking a beautiful valley – both elegantly carved into the granite, with complimenting cast bronze plaques to hold the name, date, and inscription information, as well as the optional flower vase. That is not to say all of the themes are so modern. There are several designs that feature a very traditional, yet distinctive appearance. One of the more popular traditional companion designs offered features a beautiful church in the vale, and includes two gorgeous colored ceramic photos. Any design selected will offer a variety of options to further personalize the memorial, such as a wide selection of bronze and granite colors, as well as lettering style and flower vase options, just to name a few. The addition of an emblem can add the perfect final touch to a beautiful and distinct memorial that will outlast the ages.

When it comes to selecting a memorial for a loved one, it is not as difficult as it may seem. The layout of the pages requests direct and general information, which is easily submit from the comfort of one’s own home. This allows families to consider and decide upon the important details with comfort and ease. Just like with our other memorials, we confirm with the cemetery that the special theme of the memorial, as well as all other details, will abide by their regulation before creating the memorial. In fact, the memorial is not actually produced until the family sees a scaled down drawing, or layout, and approves the final design. The memorial will not only honor the life of the loved one, but will be a wonderfully personable tribute that will capture the personality of the departed, and share it with many future generations to come.

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Dignity Classic Bronze Grave Marker
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Infinity Hawaiian Bronze Grave Marker
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Infinity Lotus Bronze Grave Marker
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Desert Cactus Bronze Grave Marker
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Mountain Pines Bronze Grave Marker
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Blooming Spring Bronze Grave Marker
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Sweet Gladiola Bronze Grave Marker
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Cherry Blossom Bronze Grave Marker
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Forever Flowers Bronze Grave Marker
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"To honor our father's life-long passion for gun collecting; we thought an urn in walnut would be appropriate. The wood was lovely and resembled the stock on a fine gun. The simple, sleek look is perfect - not too "cute". It is heavier than I anticipated and has little feet, so it doesn't slide, and will protect any fine surface you want to put it on. It arrived quickly after we ordered it. The memorial plaque we ordered was very large - 4 inches or so - which was unexpected. I had a question about transporting this urn on an airplane and received a response right away. We were very pleased with this lovely urn which is a fitting vessel for our beloved father's remains."
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Mary Ellen Hollis

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