Can Pet Ashes Be Buried With Humans?

It’s not uncommon for people to form strong bonds with their pets. In fact, for many pet owners, pets are considered to be members of the family. It’s not surprising that some people would want to be buried with the remains of their beloved pet when they die.

Unfortunately, this is not always possible. While there are some human cemeteries that allow people to be buried with the ashes of their pets, in most cases, it is not allowed. This is usually due to health and safety concerns.

However, some pet owners feel very strongly about being buried with their pet’s ashes and are willing to go to great lengths to make it happen. Ultimately, whether or not someone is able to be buried with their pet’s ashes depends on the location where they intend to be buried.

The Rules and Regulations Vary State by State

When a pet dies, it can be extremely difficult to cope with the loss. As we grieve, we often want to create a respectful and meaningful tribute for our beloved animal companion. It’s important to be aware that the rules and regulations regarding pet burial and cremation vary from state to state and region to region. So before making any concrete plans, it’s a good idea to do some research and find out what is permitted in your area.

Generally speaking, you will be able to find the answers to your questions by contacting your local animal shelter or veterinarian. They will be able to tell you what the laws are and what options are available to you. In some cases, there may even be a pet cemetery or crematorium in your area that can help you with the arrangements.

Losing a pet is never easy, but knowing that you are following the law and respecting your pet’s final wishes can help to bring some peace of mind during this difficult time.

Different Options That Make It Possible to Be Buried With Your Pet

Although it is not always possible to be buried with your pet’s ashes, there are some creative ways to make it happen. With a little bit of planning, you can ensure that you and your pet are laid to rest together. All it takes is a little bit of creativity and some research.

Pet Cemeteries

While it may seem odd to some, there are actually a number of pet cemeteries around the country that offer the same level of care and service as a traditional human cemetery. Some of these places accept human remains.

In many cases, space is limited in a pet cemetery, so it is important to plan ahead if you are considering this option. Sometimes, human remains are allowed to be buried in a pet cemetery if they have no other options available. This is usually only allowed if the deceased has expressed a desire to be buried with their pet, and if there is enough space available.

While it may not be the first choice for everyone, a pet cemetery can be a fitting final resting place for both people and animals.

Have the Pet Ashes Placed in Your Casket

Another option is to have your pet cremated and the pet’s remains placed in your casket when you die. This can be a great way to ensure that you are buried with your pet.

In most cases, the pet ashes will need to be placed in an urn or some other type of container. You will also need to make arrangements with the funeral home beforehand. They will tell you the rules and regulations regarding this.

In the case of an open casket viewing, the cremains can usually be placed in a container that is not visible. This way, you can still have an open casket funeral, and your pet can be buried with you.

If this isn’t possible, the funeral director may be willing to place the urn with your pet’s cremains in the casket before it is closed. This way, you can still be buried with your pet, even if the casket cannot be opened.

Whole Family Cemeteries

Some cemeteries, classified as whole family cemeteries, allow people to be buried with their pets. This type of family cemetery plot is usually designated for multiple generations of people, but pets are often allowed as well.

If you are interested in this option, you will need to do some research to find a whole family cemetery in your area. Once you have found one, you will need to make arrangements with the cemetery beforehand. They will be able to tell you what is required and what the rules are.

This type of cemetery is new, but it is becoming more popular as people are choosing to be buried with their pets.

Mixing Your Ashes With Your Pet

Many pet owners choose to have their pet’s ashes scattered or placed in a special location after they die. For some people, this is a way to keep their pets close to them and to create a lasting memorial. For others, it is a way to release their pet’s spirit and allow them to move on. There are many different options available for scattering or placing cremated remains, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks.

One option is to have the pet ashes mixed with your own cremated human remains before scattering or placing them. This can be a very intimate and personal way to remember your pet, as you will be together in death as you were in life. It can also be difficult to arrange, as you will need to find someone who is willing to scatter or place both sets of ashes together.

Another option is to have the ashes scattered or placed in a location that is special to you and your pet. This could be somewhere that you used to walk them, somewhere they loved to play, or simply somewhere that holds happy memories. This option can be less personal than having the ashes mixed with your own, but it can be easier to arrange and may be more meaningful for some people.

Whichever option you choose, scattering or placing your pet’s ashes is a popular option for those who want to keep their pet close by.

Other Ways to Memorialize a Pet

Some of the most common options for pet memorials include burial and cremation, but there are other options available as well.

For example, some people choose to have their petโ€™s body preserved through taxidermy. This option allows you to keep your pet with you in your home, and it can be a comfort to have them close by.

Others choose to have their petโ€™s ashes turned into cremation jewelry or art, which can be a beautiful way to remember them. There are also companies that will create a 3D-printed replica of your pet, which can be another way to keep them close to your heart.

Whatever option you choose, the important thing is that it helps you to remember your pet in a way that is special and meaningful to you.

Final Thoughts

Though it may take some work, it is possible to be buried with your pet in many places.

Each state and country has different laws regarding animal burials, so it is important to do your research before making any decisions. In some cases, you may need to purchase a private plot of land or obtain a special permit.

However, for many people, the effort is worth it, as they find comfort in being laid to rest alongside their beloved furry friend. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to bury your pet with you is a personal one. But with a little bit of planning, it can be done in most places.