Jesus Fiberglass Statues
Jesus Statues are Timeless Peaces of ArtIt is not uncommon now in days to lose touch with old friends or relatives, especially when they are not in close proximity to us. In days of old, families often remained in the same general area, and were very close nit, relying on each other, not only emotionally, but also for sustenance. In a modern world where we have virtually any convenience available at the tips of our fingers, that same need is no longer so strongly felt. While we may call a relative or friend to quickly say hello, we no longer need to be so close to barter with them, or help them so they will, in turn, be there to help us when we need it. The sad part is that no longer having that immediate necessity has, in a way, has made us value other things more than family. Jesus once said, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." While this is a general statement, we feel it is especially important in the context of family. One of the most wonderful things about being religious, is that it often does inspire us to create closer and stronger bonds with those that should be truly important in our lives. The quote above is just one small way that we can learn and better ourselves through these teachings that have survived the ages. There are several verses throughout the bible that were first brought to the apostles and initial followers of the Christian faith by Jesus Christ. For this important reason, he has long since been portrayed in various works of art throughout the centuries. Pieces like paintings, murals, and especially stained glass works have brought the likeness of Jesus to us in a way that is nothing short of breathtaking, as they often feature the entire scene in an elegant array of colors. The innovation of fiberglass statues has helped bring the same effect to a three dimensional realm. Jesus fiberglass statues feature Jesus, as the name implies, in several different circumstances, but all are highly detailed, both in the form as well as in the finished color. The pieces are created in Italy by skilled artisans, and offer a wonderful way to add a sculpture of Jesus to any location, in a way that the piece will truly be noticed. These pieces, although colored, are appropriate for placement indoors, such as in churches, as well as outdoors. Many families even find great comfort in placing a Jesus sculpture at the final resting place of their loved one, to provide eternal protection for their dearly departed. It goes without saying that Jesus provided us valuable lessons that can apply to virtually every area of our lives. From relations with family, to simply the outlook that we have, his messages and teachings give us a way to have faith that our lives can be full of love and happiness that comes from within, as well as in what waits for us in the afterlife. With that said, providing a visual, and especially three-dimensional, depiction of Jesus for all to see can help show that we are proud to be of strong faith, and hopefully, inspire others as well. |