Keepsakes for Pets
Keepsake Memorials for Pets are a new TrendThomas Campbell once said, "To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die". Anyone who has loved and lost a companion animal can certainly attest to the truth in that statement. While all of our beloved pets toys and belongings will eventually be removed from our homes, perhaps stored away for us to find and reminisce over down the road, their memory will never be gone from our own, and certainly not our hearts. While that is true, it does not make the loss of a pet any easier. There is perhaps no better word to describe an individual after suffering such a loss except, truly heartbroken. The truth is, a pet is not as easily replaced as a lost toy or run-down pair of shoes. These beautiful creatures are completely unique in themselves, and fill a void in our lives that we may have not even known existed. Moreover, they are a constant source of comfort and joy in our lives, and when that is taken away, the pain left in their place is all but palpable. Keepsakes for pets offer a wonderful way to create a small tribute to a truly beloved pet. This wonderful selection features a collection of different items that all have one simple purpose: to capture, and honor the memory of a faithful companion. These pieces include a little bit of everything, to help create unforgettable and comforting remembrances. Featured in this selection are stuffed bears, which are actually very comforting for children that are having trouble coping with the loss of the pet, as they hold a small capsule inside that will contain a portion of ashes. One of our most popular pieces is that of a paw print set. This little set includes the materials and instructions to create a casting of the pet’s paws. This will help create a wonderful, three-dimensional paw print, which will be of great comfort, especially when one wishes to 'reconnect' in a small way, with their pet. The most popular of the keepsake boxes is large enough to accommodate small mementoes of the pet. The family can store the pet's favorite toy, collar, photographs, or any other similar memorabilia in a way that it can all be accessed, for a small walk down memory lane with a long lost friend. While the loss of a pet can certainly leave one in a state of grief that does not mean that the reason they came into our lives in the first place must be lost. Initially, one may get a pet as a diversion, perhaps, a mere source of entertainment, while others are looking for a true companion that will never leave their side. Regardless, if given just one chance, that pet can certainly win over the hearts of everyone in the household, and almost immediately stakes its ground, both physically and emotionally. Often, they are such characters from day one, which can make the loss all the more arduous. A beautiful keepsake will help honor the memory of any fallen companion, and provide a gentle reminder of the happier moments created with them. |