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Sports Urns - Golf, Football & Baseball Urns for Ashes

Over 800 Sports Cremation Ash Urns

Let the games begin! While mourning the loss of your loved one is never easy, you can rest knowing that your sports enthusiast is playing the game that will never end and where everyone is a winner. Whether they were an athlete or a fan, you can memorialize your favorite sports lover with a sports cremation urn in their favorite sport.

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Sports Urns for Cremation Ashes Featuring College Football Urns

As you browse our selection of sport urns, you will find baseball urns, sailing urns, soccer urns, football urns, billiard urns, dance urns, cheerleading urns, hockey urns, swimming urns, basketball urns, track urns, volleyball urns, bowling urns, racing urns, golf urns for ashes and other sports themed urns. You are sure to find the ideal ash container that captures the thrill of the game, the touchdown, the birdie, the strike or whatever made the game exciting for your loved one. And, as always, ground shipping is completely free.

With our exciting line of sports themed urns, we offer more than just your loved one's favorite sports. Everyone has their favorite teams too. That's why we have provided ash urns that can memorialize their love for their favorite college football team or Major League Baseball team.

  • College Football Cremation Urns:
    • The NCAA licensed college football cremation urns come in two basic styles: vase and helmet. The vase-style urn is made of aluminum with a custom colored finish to compliment the team of your choice. Choose from Miami Hurricanes, Georgia Bulldogs, Oregon Ducks and whatever other teams we have in stock. Helmet shaped urns make a striking display and are perfect for the true college football fan.
    • The helmets are made of coated aluminum and come with the logo of your favorite available NCAA team. The container opens from the bottom to hold the ashes of your sports enthusiast.
  • Many Other Sport Urns for Ashes:
    • If your baseball or football enthusiast had too many favorite teams just to choose one, we have many fun containers available that can show their love for the game without representing one team over another. We have options in wood, bronze, brass, action trophy-like statuettes and more. 
    • Plus, we have some fun golf urns for the ashes for your golf enthusiast. One of note is our Masters Golf cremation urn which is shaped like a golf bag and airbrushed in realistic colors and textures. 

Whatever sport your enthusiast enjoyed most, we are sure to have something that will aptly store their ashes so their legacy can live on. 

Thank you for allowing to help you find the right urn for your loved one.

You are here: Home -> Cremation Urns -> Sport Urns

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Football Cremation Urn
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Buccaneers Football Cremation Urn
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Rams Football Cremation Urn
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Colts Football Cremation Urn
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Saints Football Cremation Urn
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Jets Football Cremation Urn
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Falcons Football Cremation Urn
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Basketball Fan Cremation Urns
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Cheerleading Cremation Urns
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"I spent a lot of time looking for a nice flag display case for the burial flag from my father's funeral service. After searching a number of web sites and seeing the same case for a variety of different prices, this site was the best I could find in terms of pricing. The actual case is beautiful, and the workmanship is superb. For those who wonder what the back looks like, it is solid wood - not as thick as what is seen in the front, but is still nicely finished. Given that the case has hinges to open the front, the back has no small hooks to close the back. It makes a beautiful presentation for storage of a burial flag."
Full Rating StarFull Rating StarFull Rating StarFull Rating StarFull Rating Star
Linda Tillinghast

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