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Urn Necklaces - Cremation Ash Urn Necklaces

Urn Necklaces create a strongly comforting, yet discreet tribute.

Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult situations that we will all go through at some point. These beautiful necklaces remind us that we are never alone. The essence of our loved one will live one through our memories, and the stories we tell our friends and future regenerations.

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More About Our Urn Necklace Cremation Jewelry

When we lose a loved one or family member, there is little that anyone can do or say to help ease the grief felt. One of the most comforting things that many do, seemingly naturally, is to find a possession of the loved one to hold close. This is therapeutic in that we feel once again connected with the lost loved one. Urn necklaces allow us to hold a small memento of someone that has passed, such as a lock of hair, crushed ceremonial flowers, or even cremation ashes, close at all times. These beautiful pieces, then, give us the ability to reach out to the loved one at any time, as it is a tribute that can be carried along wherever life takes us.

Urn necklaces feature one basic style, which is a pewter top on a glass vile, but the designs offered for these interesting pieces vary greatly. These beautiful pendants feature highly detailed designs such as flowers, doves, wolves, fairies, and even abstract tops such as two figures that make up an infinity symbol. There is even a color option for the glass vile that goes with the pendant top, which can help further personalize the piece. These remarkable necklaces are ideal for younger people as many of the designs are contemporary; additionally they will be a great comfort for anyone who is struggling with a loss. While the glass vile is transparent, many are surprised to find the pewter top is so intricate that it serves as the focal point of the necklace, drawing attention away from the glass vile.

What is cremation urn necklace jewelry?

A piece of cremation jewelry, typically a stainless-steel cremation pendant, that allows you to place a small amount of your loved one's ashes inside the pendant's receptacle using a small funnel (included with purchase). After you put the ashes into the necklace, it may then be permanently sealed, further instructions included in description. Although it is usually sealed with a screw, there are a few alternative closure options.

What are the different types of urn necklaces?

Our urn necklace jewelry come in a variety of shapes including crosses, hearts, wings, infinity symbols, angels, animals, sports, military dog tags and even flasks. In many styles and prices, it is easy to find the perfect keepsake to commemorate your loved one.

How to clean my cremation urn necklace?

Cleaning a piece of urn necklace jewelry is pretty easy, you just need to follow a few simple steps:

  • First, grab a bowl and pour some dishwashing soap into it along with some warm water.

  • Next, grab 3 soft, lint-free pieces of cloth. One will be used for the soap bowl; one will be damp with clean water and the last one should be dry.

  • Take the first piece of cloth and and dip it into the soapy bowl and gently wipe the piece until it is clean.  When you are cleaning the piece, be sure to rub along its polish lines.

  • Next, take another piece of cloth and moisten it with clean, non-soapy water. Wipe the soap off of the jewelry.

  • Use the clean, un-moistened cloth to dry the piece.

  • Leave the piece out to air dry.

  • [Optional] Finally, if you have some jewelry polish or stainless-steel cleaner on hand, you can use it after your stainless-steel jewelry is dry to really give it a shine.

Caring for Cremation Urn Necklace Jewelry

One of the best things about cremation jewelry made with stainless steel is that it doesn't corrode or tarnish.  It needs very little special care.  However, stainless steel can be scratched. This is one reason why you need to make sure that when you wear stainless steel cremation pendants that they don't come into contact with other pieces of jewelry or metal.

If you ever do accidentally scratch your jewelry, you can take it to a professional jeweler and get it polished for a minimal cost. The best option for keeping your cremation jewelry pendant safe is to store it in a pendant display case when not in use.

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"Incredible workmanship, very intricate carving on the front! Hubby and I loved sailing on the Chesapeake Bay, I didn't want just a plain urn and this one was just perfect. Even the funeral director commented how wonderful and unique the urn was."
Full Rating StarFull Rating StarFull Rating StarFull Rating StarFull Rating Star
S. Ogle

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